1st International Conference on Innovative use of Hemp in Construction Sector (IIHC)
About the Hemp2Cogreen conference
This international conference targets UN sustainable development Goals 9,11 and 13.
We Cogreen as a research company bring on the natural solutions for modern construction. Industrial innovations, research institutes and start up’s ideas all together exchange their knowledge and experiences.

Why join us?
The highly anticipated event of this year is set to take place in the beautiful city of Ljubljana, Slovenia drawing the attention of individuals from all corners of the globe. With a primary focus on the innovative topic of building with hemp to curb carbon, the event aims to provide a unique platform for like-minded professionals, researchers, architects and industrial enthusiasts to come together and exchange their knowledge, experiences, and ideas.
Hemp Trends in construction
Alternative natural fibers for Insulation
Biobased Fillers and applications
Sustainable design approach for Zero carbon Buildings
Opportunities, challenges and scientific findings
Valorization and reuse of agricultural Bio-waste as Resource towards Circular economy
Historic conservation and restoration
Sustainable design approach for Zero carbon Buildings

Discover the venue
The Hemp2curb carbon conference takes place at the address: Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana & Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG).
The event is hosted by the CoGreen.SI Development and engineering of sustainable green buildings in the heart of the city.
Research at the CoGreen.SI targets natural construction materials and sustainable buildings, specifically innovative approaches to built structures with hemp and its use with the goal of transferring scientific knowledge into industrial practice.
Become a speaker and share your knowledge
Hemp2curb carbon conference touches on 8 six substantive areas, which at first glance may seem very mundane, but which have a significant impact on the creativeness, sustainable and resource optimization towards sequestration of carbon footprint.
Invited Speakers across the globe will be benefitted on expressing the various mitigation methods to capitalize the key areas.

Meet the key speakers

Studio B@za
About the speaker
We welcome on board architect Dr. Andrej Smid, Studio B@za for sharing his knowledge and ideologies as a key note speaker for our 1st international conference on innovative use of hemp in construction sector held at Ljubljana, Slovenia on Nov 13th & 14th.
Studio B@za has a wide range of services that offers: design, engineering, consulting, supervision, translations and related services. they design public and private buildings, residential, industrial, business, shopping and other multipurpose buildings, consult investors and clients, supervise the building processes.

Hempstatic Austria
About the speaker
Elena Yaneva studied civil engineering at TU Wien and developed a fascination for natural building materials during her studies. She co-founded Hempstatic with the goal to accelerate the transition from a linear to a circular economy in the building materials sector. Hempstatic manufactures eco-friendly and biodegradable sound insulation, that is free of chemicals, plastics, and toxins. The product design is based on four circular principles: re: use | re: pair | re: manufacture | re: generate. The company’s mission is to increase the use of biogenic raw materials in the building sector while reducing CO2 emissions and hazardous waste generation. Their business model promotes the creation of new biobased value chains rooted in industrial symbiosis between agriculture and construction.

TU Wien
About the speaker
Prof. Merta research interest is focusing on the development, characterization and optimization of advanced high-performance composite building materials (primarily cement-based) with enhanced environmental sustainability, circular-based design approach and improved durability toward their application in civil engineering structures.
Her goal is to understand the complex relationships between the microstructure of the material, the interaction between the constituents at mesoscale and the influence on the final macroscopic properties of the material by a holistic approach considering the entire lifecycle of the material.

About the speaker
Dr. Laetitia Marrot is a senior researcher within the FRISSBE project. She completed her MSc in Materials Science in 2010 in France, and graduated in 2014 with a PhD in biobased composite materials from the University of South Brittany. After her PhD, Dr. Marrot worked both in academia and industry for various fields (transportation, agriculture, packaging), in France and in the USA. Dr. Marrot started her research career in Slovenia in 2018, and she was awarded in 2020 funding for a two years Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) individual fellowship at the InnoRenew Center of Excellence. Since 2022, she researches innovative ways to increase the fire performances of sustainable bio-based materials within the FRISSBE project at the Slovenian National Building And Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG).
Dr. Marrot’s main interest is to develop environmentally friendly materials to reduce our dependence on petrol-based resources. Her expertise spans plant fibers, polymeric and cementitious composites reinforced by natural fibers, biocarbon, smart textiles and sustainable coatings.

TU Delft
About the speaker
Michela Turrin is an associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. She leads the section Digital Technologies and the research at LAMA, Laboratory of Additive Manufacturing. Her goal is to support design decision making from materials to building applications, toward sustainability of the built environment. In architectural engineering approaches to scarcity of resources, her work develops computational design methods at the intersection of architecture and building technology, featuring parametric modelling, optimisation, machine learning and additive manufacturing.

VIT University
About the speaker
Dr. Thirumalini Selvaraj, professor, CO2 Research & green technology centre, Heritage Research lab, completed her Doctoral research in Heritage Lime mortars characterisation and Simulation and has 20 years of Research experience with 70 publications in the field of heritage materials and structures. Her primary areas of research include developing scientific methods for restoration of heritage structures, chemistry of Traditional building materials used in Indian heritage structures and development of carbon capture technology in buildings using organics additives and lime to promote their sustainability.
She has done repair and restoration for more than 30 heritage structures in India and documented around 20 plant and organic additives used in the ancient structure. She serves as member in scientific expert committee of Hindu Religious and charitable endowments board, state and central Archaeological departments, Government of India. She has three patents to her credit on organic additives such as Terminalia chebula, Jaggery (unrefined sugar) and plant extracts from Aloe vera on lime mortars to replicate the traditional buildings. She is currently working on new old materials in civil engineering, carbonation potential and carbon storage of organic lime mortars in bringing out the sound scientific proof for the use of ancient eco- friendly admixtures in modern construction.

Hempstatic Austria
About the speaker
Elena Yaneva studied civil engineering at TU Wien and developed a fascination for natural building materials during her studies. She co-founded Hempstatic with the goal to accelerate the transition from a linear to a circular economy in the building materials sector. Hempstatic manufactures eco-friendly and biodegradable sound insulation, that is free of chemicals, plastics, and toxins. The product design is based on four circular principles: re: use | re: pair | re: manufacture | re: generate. The company’s mission is to increase the use of biogenic raw materials in the building sector while reducing CO2 emissions and hazardous waste generation. Their business model promotes the creation of new biobased value chains rooted in industrial symbiosis between agriculture and construction.

TU Delft
About the speaker
Michela Turrin is an associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. She leads the section Digital Technologies and the research at LAMA, Laboratory of Additive Manufacturing. Her goal is to support design decision making from materials to building applications, toward sustainability of the built environment. In architectural engineering approaches to scarcity of resources, her work develops computational design methods at the intersection of architecture and building technology, featuring parametric modelling, optimisation, machine learning and additive manufacturing.

TU Wien
About the speaker
Prof. Merta research interest is focusing on the development, characterization and optimization of advanced high-performance composite building materials (primarily cement-based) with enhanced environmental sustainability, circular-based design approach and improved durability toward their application in civil engineering structures.
Her goal is to understand the complex relationships between the microstructure of the material, the interaction between the constituents at mesoscale and the influence on the final macroscopic properties of the material by a holistic approach considering the entire lifecycle of the material.

About the speaker
Dr. Laetitia Marrot is a senior researcher within the FRISSBE project. She completed her MSc in Materials Science in 2010 in France, and graduated in 2014 with a PhD in biobased composite materials from the University of South Brittany. After her PhD, Dr. Marrot worked both in academia and industry for various fields (transportation, agriculture, packaging), in France and in the USA. Dr. Marrot started her research career in Slovenia in 2018, and she was awarded in 2020 funding for a two years Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) individual fellowship at the InnoRenew Center of Excellence. Since 2022, she researches innovative ways to increase the fire performances of sustainable bio-based materials within the FRISSBE project at the Slovenian National Building And Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG).
Dr. Marrot’s main interest is to develop environmentally friendly materials to reduce our dependence on petrol-based resources. Her expertise spans plant fibers, polymeric and cementitious composites reinforced by natural fibers, biocarbon, smart textiles and sustainable coatings.

VIT University
About the speaker
Dr. Thirumalini Selvaraj, professor, CO2 Research & green technology centre, Heritage Research lab, completed her Doctoral research in Heritage Lime mortars characterisation and Simulation and has 20 years of Research experience with 70 publications in the field of heritage materials and structures. Her primary areas of research include developing scientific methods for restoration of heritage structures, chemistry of Traditional building materials used in Indian heritage structures and development of carbon capture technology in buildings using organics additives and lime to promote their sustainability.
She has done repair and restoration for more than 30 heritage structures in India and documented around 20 plant and organic additives used in the ancient structure. She serves as member in scientific expert committee of Hindu Religious and charitable endowments board, state and central Archaeological departments, Government of India. She has three patents to her credit on organic additives such as Terminalia chebula, Jaggery (unrefined sugar) and plant extracts from Aloe vera on lime mortars to replicate the traditional buildings. She is currently working on new old materials in civil engineering, carbonation potential and carbon storage of organic lime mortars in bringing out the sound scientific proof for the use of ancient eco- friendly admixtures in modern construction.

Studio B@za
About the speaker
We welcome on board architect Dr. Andrej Smid, Studio B@za for sharing his knowledge and ideologies as a key note speaker for our 1st international conference on innovative use of hemp in construction sector held at Ljubljana, Slovenia on Nov 13th & 14th.
Studio B@za has a wide range of services that offers: design, engineering, consulting, supervision, translations and related services. they design public and private buildings, residential, industrial, business, shopping and other multipurpose buildings, consult investors and clients, supervise the building processes.
Welcome session
Ministry Speech 10.00 - 10.30
1. Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy, Slovenia (TBC)
2. Ms Namrata S. Kumar (Ambassador), Embassy of India, Ljubljana
3. Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport, Slovenia (TBC)
Session 01
Elena Yaneva (Hempstatic) - Invited Speaker 1 10.30 - 11.00
Keynote: Case Studies on Hemp Lime & Opportunities, Challenges, and Scientific Findings.
Primož Mlačnik (KO-SI) 11.00 - 11.20
Innovative and sustainable insulation: The future of coconut and hemp fibers
Samo Begič (Engineer) 11.20 - 11.35
How to Build or Renovate Quality Wooden Structures in Hard-to-Reach Locations or Challenging Weather Conditions with Lower Costs and Prices for the Investor
Dr Gregor Vidmar (ZAG) 11.35 - 11.55
Hempcrete and biological (non -) standard insulation materials: characterisation and assessment
Break and networking 11.55 - 12.10
Session 02
Prof Dr Ildiko Merta (TU Wien) - Invited Speaker 2 12.10 - 12.50
Keynote: Hemp as fibre reinforcement – potentials and challenges
Lenart Piano (Architect) 12.50 - 13.10
Can we build differently? Conceptual design of hemp concrete factory in Šmatevž near Gomilsko
Valeria Radosavljević (Ecolibrium d.o.o) 13.10 - 13.30
Circular economy and construction: The role of the bio-based materials and the potential of hemp
Dr Alenka Mauko Pranjić, (ZAG) 13.30 - 13.50
Use of hemp and natural fibres in construction composites – overview from the ReBuilt project
Transfer to ZAG by bus: ReBuilt Workshop 14.00 - 14.30
(Dimičeva ulica 12, Ljubljana)
Coffee, drinks and sandwiches at ZAG 14.30 - 15.00
Dr Michela Turrin (TU Delft) 15.00 - 15.45
Invited Lecture: “A computational design perspective on building with hemp”
Practical hands-on hempcrete workshop and visit to laboratories 15.45 - 16.45
Closing of Day 1 16.45 - 17.00
Tranfer to the city center (optional visit to Mitnica Street Galery) 17.30 - 18.00
Dinner at Restaurant Šestica 19.00
Slovenska cesta 40, Ljubljana
Session 03
Dr Thirumalini Selvaraj (VIT Vellore) - Invited Speaker 4 8.45 - 9.25
Keynote: Historic conservation and restoration studies
Eugen Hörner (Lemix) 9.25 - 9.45
Application of Lemix clay boards In Hemp construction
Dr Davor Kvočka (ZAG) 9.45 - 10.05
LCA of hemp-based construction materials
Bojana Centrih (CEWOOD ACOUSTIC PANELS) 10.05 - 10.25
TBC 10.25 - 10.45
Break and networking (20 min) 10.45 - 11.00
Session 04
Dr Laetitia Marrot (Frissbe, ZAG) - Invited speaker 5 11.00 - 11.40
Topic 1: Hemp trends in construction for the presentation
Ira Zorko (Architect) - THE OTHER HOUSE 11.40 - 12.00
The poetics of building
Gaëtan Dujardin (IsoHemp) 12.00 - 12.20
Precast Blocks: A Scalable, Versatile, and Reliable Solution for Renovation, Heritage Preservation, and Construction
Hana Huth Lukšič (Student FGG) 12.20 - 12.35
Comparison between Hempcrete added with industrial byproduct and its application in the construction sector
Dr Mateja Golež (ZAG) 12.20 - 12.35
Sustainable materials in the scientific and artistic context of the New European Bauhaus and presentation of the exhibition “Mirroring the whole” / “Zrcaljenje celote”, Gallery Mitnica, Snežniška ulica 5, Ljubljana
Lunch 12.55 - 13.40
Session 05
Dr Andrej Šmid (Architect, Studio Baza, Maribor) 13.30 - 14.15
Transformation of architect’s mindset in the process of implementing sustainable principles to building design.
SPIRIT Slovenija & guests 14.20 - 15.45
Applying common sense in circular business practice- round table
Delegates: REM d.o.o, M SORA d.d., VAUKAN d.o.o. & SPIRIT ekspert team -
𝐑𝐄𝐌 d. o. o. – Dr David Močnik (Head of Construction and Development department)
𝐌 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐀 d. d. – Barbara Šubic (CEO-M SORA Joinery)
𝐕𝐀𝐔𝐊𝐎𝐌 d. o. o. – Iztok Vauk (Founder)
SPIRIT ekspert team: Dr Adriano R. Buhovac & Alenko Hren
Day 2 - Discussion and closing remarks 16.00
Organising committee
- Dr. Shivakumar Mani, CoGreen
- Mr. Primož Zorec, CoGreen
- Prof. Dr. Tomaž Hozjan, UL FGG
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mateja Dovjak, UL FGG
- Dr. Alenka Mauko Pranjić, ZAG
- Dr. Dragica Marinič, ZAG
Scientific committee
- Dr. Shivakumar Mani, CoGreen
- Mr. Primož Zorec, CoGreen
- Prof. Dr. Tomaž Hozjan, UL FGG
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mateja Dovjak, UL FGG
- Dr. Alenka Mauko Pranjić, ZAG
- Dr. Dragica Marinič, ZAG
- Dr. Vilma Ducman, ZAG
- Dr. Primož Oprčkal, ZAG
- Dr. Majda Pavlin, ZAG
- Dr. Grunde Jomaas, ZAG